Sunday 15 February 2009

Are We Compatible for Marriage?

So you both get on well, you enjoy each others' company, and you are even in love -- so much that you have decided to get married.  But while things might be great now, will you still get on with each other when you have tied the know? Your big question now is: "Are we compatible for marriage?"

Well, you have to be aware that a union of two people such as in a marriage is hoped to be a long journey, but there will be many tests of that union. Don't stumble blindly into a marriage thinking that things will always remain the same, because they won't; the true test of your marriage will be your ability, both of you, to roll with the changes and troubles, and to grow out of them a stronger couple, and closer together. Of course love and romance are important, but you have to be able to slot together through thick and thin -- you have to be compatible for marriage.

You both have to be aware of each others' needs as well as your own. If one of you is not satisfied in any way then there is a chance that a strain will grow. You will not be able to enjoy or fall in with everything your partner wants or does, but having too many differing interests will weaken the bond between you.  If you are thinking of getting married, you must ensure you have a relationship where you can talk to each other openly about your feelings. Make sure you understand how you each feel about children, where to live, how to live, how the household money will be managed, and so on.

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